Digital Citizenship

What I have learned today shocks me at times but on the other times it didn’t surprise me at all. One topic that shocked me, was when I heard that more people were on Facebook than anything else. On the other hand, when I found out that many teens sleep with their phones next to them, I was not surprised. Other than that, I’ve also realized that you can not always just believe anything that someone tells you even if it does sound credible. I also have learned more about our digital footprint and how it is created. Our digital footprint is created by anything that can be found about us online, so that means that what ever is written about us online should be positive. Cyber bullying is an occurrence that tends to happen online. Cyber bullying is when someone is constantly being rude to another person online.

My Glog

In this project, I made a glog about how to use por y para along with a few example sentences. Also, I added pictures to help describe the sentences more, and there is also a video that the describes the uses of por y para. I enjoyed using Glogster because it was something different than using a paper and pencil. I believe that doing the old way with paper is to boring.

Los gustos de Josh

A Josh le gusta tocar su instrumenta cada dia. A el le encanta estudiar frecuentemente. El fin de semana le gusta hablar con sus amigos. Tambien le gusta dormir muchas veces. A Josh tambien le encanta tomar las pruebas. A el le disgusta sacar malas notas. Tambien no le gusta manejar. A Josh le disgusta los lunes.


Mis Gustos

In this post I list some of mis gustos and family and friends gustos. I liked this project because it was like an easy hundred, and because it wasn’t a paper pencil project. I hope we have more projects like this. This project helped me understand how to use the word gustar more than I did before.

The Cay

The question”What sense would you like to lose least and why?” is a good Question.I will have to say I would least want to lose my sense of sight out of the other four, because my sight guides me everywhere.If I lost my sight I will run into objects around me, and I will not be able to do regular tasks the way everyone does.Also it is alot worse losing my sight than my sense of hearing, touch, smell, and taste.For example, if I lost my sense of hearing and not my sight I can see sign language.If I don’t have my sense of touch I can ask someone to describe how it feels like.Losing my sense of smell I can live without. Someone can describe the smell to me. My sense of taste is bad if I lost it, but I won’t starve if I can still swallow.Losing my sense of sight will be bad and it will make me feel like a dog on a leash.If you lose your sight you will be guided everywhere you go.That explanes what sense I would least want to lose.