The Cay

The question”What sense would you like to lose least and why?” is a good Question.I will have to say I would least want to lose my sense of sight out of the other four, because my sight guides me everywhere.If I lost my sight I will run into objects around me, and I will not be able to do regular tasks the way everyone does.Also it is alot worse losing my sight than my sense of hearing, touch, smell, and taste.For example, if I lost my sense of hearing and not my sight I can see sign language.If I don’t have my sense of touch I can ask someone to describe how it feels like.Losing my sense of smell I can live without. Someone can describe the smell to me. My sense of taste is bad if I lost it, but I won’t starve if I can still swallow.Losing my sense of sight will be bad and it will make me feel like a dog on a leash.If you lose your sight you will be guided everywhere you go.That explanes what sense I would least want to lose.

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